Our Area Information
The City of Salmon and surrounding area are truly one of Idaho's last and greatest secrets. An all-season destination, the Salmon area boasts a number of summer and winter activities.
Come to Salmon and enjoy whitewater rafting, kayaking, fishing, hunting, horseback riding, mountain biking, cross-country and down-hill skiing, snowmobiling , ice skating and ice hockey at our out door rink (Winter Only).

The Salmon area is home to the Salmon River, one of the few undammed waterways left in America. The river and its forks serve as the only pathways into the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness area, the largest single federally designated wilderness in the lower 48. Steelhead and salmon start and end their 900-mile journey to the ocean in this region of Idaho. Nine of Idaho’s big game animals roam the valleys and mountains in this area.
Idaho has some of the widest variety of Big Game in the west and some of the best elk hunting in the world. Deer are found throughout the Salmon Valley, with whitetails found primarily north of the Salmon River. Mule deer are more numerous. Antelope are often seen in the sage brush prairie areas, black bears in forested areas as well as mountain lions. Wolf packs also roam the vast mountain ranges of the Salmon Valley.