Online Payments
This opportunity has been created to give the public the convenience of making payments online. The City of Salmon has partnered with Invoice Cloud so our customers can pay by major credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express) or debit card. Also Paypal, Venmo, Google Pay and Apple Pay.
There is a convenience fee assessed by Invoice Cloud. These fees are subject to $1.95 on charges up to $60.00. For charges above $60.00 you will be charged a convenience fee of 3.25%.
By clicking the link, you hereby agree to all the terms, conditions, and convenience fees set forth by the credit card payment processing company, Invoice Cloud.
When entering credit card payments online enter LAST NAME only on account and account # without decimals.
If you do not have access to a computer you can call 1-855-673-7488 to make a payment.